Koodasa (Sacraments)
Koodasa is any holy sacrament. There are seven koodasas. They are:
Jnanasnanam (Baptism/ Christening)
Sthireekaranam (Confirmation)
Kurbana (Holy Eucharist)
Kumbasaram Confession/Penance)
Vivaham (Matrimony/Marriage),
Thirupattom (Holy orders),
Anthyakoodasa (Extreme Unction – anointment of the sick/last anointing) |
Jnanasnanam (Baptism/ Christening)
Baptism is the rite of admission into the Christian Church. Baptism has been called a sacrament and an ordinance of Jesus Christ. This sacrament is performed by the symbolic application of water to the head, or immersion of the body as a whole into water, and resulting in admission of the recipient into the community of Christians. Baptism is the first of the seven sacraments not only in time but in priority, since the reception of the other sacraments depends on it. Baptism is a sign to the new disciple of his fellowship with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection.
Pillayoonu (First rice feeding)
Pillayoonu is the first rice feeding ceremony observed by Christians. The priest of the parish church gives rice cooked in milk to the baby.
Sthireekaranam (Confirmation/Chrismation)
Confirmation is a rite admitting a baptized person to full membership in a church or a rite of initiation in Christian churches normally carried out through anointing and the laying on of hands and prayer for the purpose of bestowing the Gift of the Holy Spirit. It is conferred either immediately after baptism or after the person has had systematic education through the catechism of the church. Confirmation is considered as the fastening of the covenant made in Holy Baptism. Many view the Confirmation as a sacrament.
Kumbasaram (Confession/Penance)
Kumbasaram (confession) is a ritual followed by those who have committed sins. Those who have committed sins after baptism confess before the priest on repentance. This sacrament is also known as Penance, Reconciliation and Confession. The rite is conducted within a confessional box or booth arranged in a church. The priest then pronounces absolution and releases the repentant. He also suggests remedial measures to the sinner. The ritual has psychological effects and importance. The priest is expected to keep such revelations as a secret. Protestant churches believe that no priest is necessary between the Christian and God in order to receive this sacrament.
Adya Kurbana Sweekarnanam (First Holy Communion)
The First Communion, or First Holy Communion, is a rite performed for a person's first reception of the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. This rite is considered as very important, as the Eucharist is the central core of the Church. First Communion is considered one of the most important occasions of a Christian. It is the first time that a person receives the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, which is the eating of the consecrated bread and drinking of consecrated wine. Catholics believe these to be the body and blood of Jesus Christ. Children receive their First Communion when they're 7 or 8 years old.
Kurbana (Holy Eucharist/Mass)
The third sacrament of initiation is the Holy Communion. It is believed that the Holy Communion would bring in the fullness of Christianity. Holy Communion is the reception of the Blessed Sacrament (the Eucharist) during the Holy Mass. The Eucharist can be received frequently – even daily. However, it should be received at least once a year. The effects of receiving the Sacrament are union with Jesus Christ, sanctifying grace in the soul, and preserving the soul from mortal sins. It is believed that while receiving the Eucharist, the devotee is eating the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
Othukalyaanam (Betrothal)
This is a function in which marriage of Christians are fixed after obtaining the willingness of boy and girl. It is performed in the parish church belonging to the bride’s family. Parish priest obtains willingness of bride and bridegroom for marriage. Earlier, parents of both parties might have met and exchanged letters of confirmation and promise on a piece of Candjan leaf (Chaarthu). This ritual is called kuriyezhuthi maaral. The promise which is given in the othukalyaanam could not be violated, without the consent of both the parties.
Manasammatham (Declaration of willingness)
Manasammatham is a rite held before the marriage. Both the prospective bridegroom and bride declare their consent and willingness to get married before the Church. This declaration is announced in the church (vilichu chollal) for three consecutive weeks to inform others and to call for objections, if any.
Vivaham (Matrimony/Marriage)
In Christianity, marriages are considered as the union between man and woman in accordance with the predetermination of God. According to Bible, wedding is a union so real and intimate that “the two become one flesh”. Christian wedding rituals are conducted in church in the presence of family members and friends.
Thirupattom (Holy orders)
The Sacrament of Holy Orders is a rite to include a man into the priesthood of Christ at one of three levels viz., the diaconate, the priesthood, and the episcopate. The highest is the episcopate. A bishop is a man who is ordained to the episcopate by another bishop. The second level is the priesthood. The main duties of the priesthood are the preaching of the Gospel and the offering of the Eucharist. The third level is the diaconate. Deacons assist priests and bishops. The Sacrament of Holy Orders can only be received once for each level of ordination. Once a man has been ordained, he is considered as spiritually changed. The Catholic Church does not allow Thirupattom and Vivaham to one and the same person. But the non-Catholic Orthodox churches may allow Thirupattom to those who have already received the sacrament of Vivaham.