Main part of a mosque is a vast open quadrangle enclosed on three sides by cloisters or arched cells known as Sahn.

On the western side there is a large hall for congregational prayers knows as Liwan.

In the mosques situated to the eastern part of K’aba, on the western wall there will be an arched concave recess known as Mihrah to indicate  the direction of Mecca or representing stairway to Heaven.

Right to Mihrah, there is the Mimbar or Pulpit from which the Imam delivers the sermon (Khutba) or leads the prayer.

Outside the hall there is Haud or tank with full of water for washing oneself before entering the Liwan.

The most familiar feature of a mosque is the Minarah (Minaret). It is a high tower attached to the mosque itself. The size and shape of minaret may be square, spiral or cylindrical.  The call to prayers (Tahkbir) is given from the top of minaret so that it could be heard to greater advantage.

Many mosques have burial grounds near to them. The graves are marked by head stones.


Madhava Menon.T. (ed). 2000. A Handbook of Kerala (Vol.1). International School of Drvidian Linguistics, Thiruvananthapuram.
Wainers, David. 2001. An Introduction to Islam. Foundation Books, New Delhi.
Ziyadu-Din Desai. 2003. Mosques of India. Publication Division, Ministry of Information & Braodcasting, Government of India, New Delhi.